Never Enough Time

Sorry for being quiet for the last day or so – reality caught up with me.

Besides being stranded in the house for two days, everything just seemed to pile up at once – work, home and even school reared its ugly head.  It just served to remind me that while all parents seem to always be busy, we get it worse with everything else on our plates. Continue reading

Summer Daze

Next week’s the last week of summer camp for the Monster – then two weeks of ‘nothing’ before he starts his first year of public school.

We made the decision last week to not expand his ‘normal’ day camp from two days per week to five for the remaining weeks of the summer – it didn’t seem cost-effective for the six additional days of camp.  Instead, the wife’s suggested the idea of putting him into swim classes for the remaining weeks, since the JCC offers small-group instruction five days a week for the two remaining weeks. Continue reading