Summertime News

Ah, summertime.

So while I’ve been quiet, we’ve been gearing up for the kids’ summertime activities.  Both R and the Monster are going to camp for at least part of the summer (the Monster does have school in July, while R’ll be there the whole time), and last night was the camp orientation. Continue reading

Camp Thoughts

There’s always the question of what to do with a special needs child over the summer.  There’s school-provided ESY, or other enrichment programs, or perhaps doing some home schooling… or there’s regular camp.

As we did last summer, this summer we decided to send the Monster to Camp Milldale. Continue reading

Not For Us

So the Monster’s getting one more week of camp at the JCC, courtesy of their “Sunday Funday Everyday” program.  Because I’m home from work for the week, the wife and I are taking turns with the run to drop him off and pick him up.

Much of the staff from the program was also present at Camp Milldale, so they’re already acquainted with what he can and cannot do, with his foibles and the like.  This was a good push to get him to go there, and so it was very easy to part with the money for the additional week. Continue reading

Dog Days of Summer

So this is the last week of the Monster’s day camp.  Next week is the gap week between camp and school, and then we’re back into the school year.

Originally, we were trying to figure out what we’d do next week, having both R and the Monster home, and were wracking our brains as to find something to keep them both occupied, bearing in mind that R needs to have a nap mid-day, and the Monster might not do well with further disruptions to his schedule… Continue reading


As I’ve mentioned a few times, we’re nearly done with the Monster’s first real summer at day-camp.  (To give you an idea of how deep into the summer we are, Color War began at their camp today.)

I’ll admit that I’m not really sure what he’s getting out of the summer, but that’s not really the goal of the entire operation, is it. Continue reading

Night and Day

A month from Friday, the Monster returns to school.

The summer’s just been racing by.  We’ve not had a lot of time to catch our breath, and admittedly a lot of his workbook’s been ignored while we’re doing other things, but there’s that looming date around the corner for things getting underway again on the educational stage. Continue reading

No News

Sometimes, no news is good news.

As I’ve mentioned before, the Monster’s one-on-one aide, J, is generally very good about writing us notes about what happens at camp.  Yesterday, for instance, we got a note about how he went on the zip-line for the first time, about how he’s having a good time in music, and how he loves swimming.

Today?  Not a word. Continue reading

Do You Know the Muffin Man?

The struggle with food continues.

The Monster’s summer one-on-one has been very good about writing us decent notes every day, outlining what the Monster’s enjoying or not enjoying, where there are pain points and where he’s figured out things with the behavior… and one of the recurring pain points in the first week of camp has been food. Continue reading