Taking the Plunge

Taking a trip with the kids is nothing new for us – we’ve tried to fit some kind of real trip in to the kids’ schedule every year, as we try to keep things as ‘normal’ as we can, even in the situation.  None of these really have been big ‘vacation-trip’ things like a lot of other families with children our kids’ ages do, though.

But, to every thing and all.  We’ve decided to take the plunge and plan a real vacation-trip. Continue reading

Hit and Stick It

Curling, October 2016I… think it’s actually been a while since I last talked about the Monster and curling.  Whoa.

Quick recap – for those who haven’t been around for a while, I curl semi-competitively myself.  R and the Monster have been curling in our local club’s Middle Rockers program for the better part of two seasons now, and the Monster is the only child with a developmental disability that is in the program.  This has us running into interesting issues now and again, due to the Monster’s deficits, but… when you go from a place of ‘assume competence’ and ‘adapt where you can’… Continue reading