Something Positive

Both kids on the ice, October 2016I figured that everyone could use something less controversial than the big news of the day that’s doubtless dominating everyone’s Twitter and Facebook feeds today.

Curling.  Specifically, with the kids.

It’s actually been a while since I talked about taking both R and the Monster curling, so I thought that I’d give everyone an update as to how our little adventure into athletic endeavors is going. Continue reading

Nopeward Mobility

When I was seven, my family moved from one town to another, at least partially to move us to a better school district.  It’s not that strange in America really – the idea that consumers can vote with their feet, and if they think the schools in the neighboring school district (or, indeed, in a neighboring or non-neighboring state) are better, you can sell your house and move.

It’s not so easy when you’re a parent of a child with special-needs who has an IEP. Continue reading

On the Road: Crayola Experience, Easton, PA

img_2217One of the worst parts of the holiday season is the annual holiday break – it means that we’ve planning to do about keeping the children busy, and dealing with the fact that the Monster is quite, quite used to his regular routine.  While he did spend a couple of days at Schools Out at the JCC (which I still absolutely love), we elected not to send him on the days that they were doing field trips, just to not torture their staff.

So instead, we tortured ourselves, and decided to plan a field trip to the Crayola Experience. Continue reading