Sometimes, You Luck Out

The Monster is not a morning person, in general. I’ve seen  more than a few articles talking about how stress hormones are higher in the morning, and how that affects general behavior in folks with Autism, and I can say that by and large, I agree with the consensus that it’s probably part of the problem.

So most mornings kind of go like this: Continue reading

On the Road – Port Discovery

So yesterday, there was a deal with the Smithsonian Museums and their affiliates for free entry.  Never ones to pass up a deal, we signed up to go to Port Discovery, the local children’s museum here in Baltimore.

(Yesterday was a whole bunch of free, since we also had lunch at a nearby, newly-opening Red Robin… but that’s beside the point.  We like Red Robin, if only because bottomless fries == distracted children with full mouths.) Continue reading

Joyful Noise

We don’t get a lot of opportunities to go to synagogue where it’s not going to matter if the Monster makes a lot of noise.  Simchat Torah is one of those occasions.

I mean, let’s face it.  The holiday’s all about dancing around with the scrolls, folks making noise and waving flags and singing and dancing… Continue reading

The Morning Report

Mornings can be a bit traumatic around our house.

Due to the long bus-ride to school – it hasn’t dipped below 75 minutes for him in the mornings – we have a tight schedule with getting everyone to where they need to be.  The Monster has to be up and ready for the bus before 7:45, and I have to usually leave shortly thereafter for my own job. Continue reading

I Want Pets, Please

As I’ve posted about at least once recently, the Monster’s gone into what I’ve been calling a tactile mode lately.  He’s just been craving all sorts of physical stimulus.

It’s not so bad when he’s just running his hands over things – I’ve long ago gotten used to the fact that he’s going to pull grass, or watch dirt/sand/wood chips spill through his fingers, or touch every single last bush along a planter when we’re walking. Continue reading

A Proposal for Special Access

So I’m going to wade in with my thoughts about special access cards at amusement parks… not that I’m anywhere near the first autism-parent blogger to actually do so this week, since we don’t have a concrete idea yet how Disney is changing their program.

I will be honest, that I have my… reservations about what I’m hearing about Disney’s replacement to the Guest Access Card (GAC). Continue reading

Rubbing Off

As R is closing in on his second birthday – yes, it’s still a few months off – he’s starting to develop more and more of his own personality.  Setting aside the spots where I haven’t the foggiest what to do with an NT child, since he’s hitting milestones that I’ve forgotten to watch out for, it’s definitely an interesting process.

Of course, involved in this is the issue of being a second child, which means that he’s also playing a lot of monkey-see, monkey-do. Continue reading