So this is the last week of the Monster’s day camp. Next week is the gap week between camp and school, and then we’re back into the school year.
Originally, we were trying to figure out what we’d do next week, having both R and the Monster home, and were wracking our brains as to find something to keep them both occupied, bearing in mind that R needs to have a nap mid-day, and the Monster might not do well with further disruptions to his schedule…
And then the wife got an email from the camp, about the “9th week” camp that’s at the JCC itself. All it requires is, of course, paying for it and for one of us to drive him to and from the camp sessions (no bussing).
The wife’s expressed that she is worried that she’s being “selfish” for even considering sending him to the extra week program.
Personally, I’m all for it. The Monster thrives in a scheduled, structured environment, and going to camp would mean two swims a day at the JCC, as well as music and art programs. It’ll be a good transition back into the school year, where he’s going to have a regimented schedule once again and where he’ll have to be in an indoor environment with other children. And besides – he likes camp. He’s familiar with the JCC.
Plus, sending him to camp for the week frees us up for things that we can’t do when we’re juggling two children. We can finish cleaning out the garage so that we can park cars in it, and so her father can come over and install the other overhead light. We can straighten the house aside from the garage. 😉 We can take R to the zoo or to the park. (Or, I can get to a few of the meetings for a major project at work that I’d otherwise be missing.)
I’m not really sure that we’ve decided as a “final” decision what we’re going to do, but personally… I’m leaning towards Week 9.