Hold It

So, while most of what I write about here has to do with the Monster, there’s times that R is going to make his own appearance due to things being what they are.

For those who don’t frequently notice him pop up – R is our younger son and the Monster’s little brother, 19 months old at this point.  Because the Monster is on the Spectrum – and we had reasonable certainty that would be the diagnosis well before we started trying for R – we’ve always been a little more cautious about keeping an eye on how R is developing. Continue reading

Not The Same Thing

Being the age that I am, I have plenty of friends and family who also have children around the same age as the Monster.

One of my cousins posted a link to a blog post on a Patch site today regarding a parent who is sitting back at a reasonable distance to let her children explore the playground, but moreover is asking that other parents don’t step in to help her children either.  It does, on reading it (and the copious comments, both pro and con), make me wonder what other parents think when the Monster’s on the playground. Continue reading