And We’re Back

Sorry for being quiet for most of the last week.  As much as I had intended to get ahead on posts and have the system automatically publish while I was gone, I just never got around to it – the story of my entire sabbatical – and once we were away, I didn’t feel like rectifying the problem.

So, my wife and I managed to get a stress-free week away from the children in Cancún.  Part of this, honestly, meant getting over our concerns about leaving the children with someone who was not family for longer than a few hours… and it seems like everything went alright.  (The idea to FaceTime fell through, though – the bandwidth from the resort was just not up to snuff.)

For our having been gone for eight days, the children did not seem to have minded it very much.  We returned to an R who is a bit better verbally expressive than he had been before, and a report that the Monster even was more verbal (and better toileted) than he is with us.  Both children seem like they’re no worse for wear while we’ve been gone, and… well, except for how the sitter probably did things a little different than us, they seem to be settling back into their normal routines this morning.

I’ll resume with real posts tomorrow, though.  As much as I like vacations, it’s good to be home…

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